Groovy: Formatted printing with printf and sprintf

The function printf can be use to format a string and print to screen.

The function sprintf can be used to format a string for later use.

A few examples:

def x = 66

def res = sprintf("value: %s", x)   // as string
println(sprintf("value: %d", x))    // as decimal
println(sprintf("value: %c", x))    // as character

//  padding with 0
printf('%05d\n', x)
println( sprintf('%05d', x)  )

// indicate location of the value
names = ['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourt']
println( sprintf('%2$s %3$s %3$s %1$s', names) )

def v = 65
printf("<%s>\n", v);     // <65>
printf("<%10s>\n", v);   // <      65>
printf("<%-10s>\n", v);  // <65      >
printf("<%c>\n", v);     // <A>
printf("<%d>\n", v);     // <65>
printf("<%05d>\n", v);   // <00065>

timestamp: 2019-04-20T09:30:01 tags:

  • printf
  • sprintf